Good Vibe Crystal Candle

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Product Details

Rose quartz - Stimulates the Heart Chakra. Rose Quartz is known as the Love stone. It helps restore trust and harmony. Improves close connections. Provides calm and comfort during times of grief. Encourages love, respect, trust and worth in ones self. Purifies and opens the heart at all levels

Amethyst - February - Crown chakra. Symbolizes peace and calm. It is a natural tranquilizer. Helps mind flow more freely. By releasing negative thoughts. Relieves stress. Soothes irritability. Dispels anger. Reduces anxiety. Activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition. Produces soothing dreams by bringing the dreamer more in tune with the Divine. In the home absorbs negative energy and create an air of tranquility in the space.

November - Citrine ~ Abundance

Stimulates the Sacral Chakra. Citrine symbolizes the Sun and vitality of life. It is the stone of clarity. Brings joy, wonder and enthusiasm to every part of your life. Helps release negative traits. Encourages optimism, warmth and motivation.. Adds zest and optimism.

Turquoise - Stimulates the Throat chakra

Turquoise is the stone of protection & life and is the most sacred stone to the Native Americans.

It is the purification stone as it balances and aligns all chakras, stabilizing mood swings and instilling inner calm. It is the stone of communication and self expression.. It is said to protect against outside influences and helps balance emotions. Turquoise guides spiritual grounding by promoting self-realization.

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